Members of the Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Dwelling Workgroup of Smoke-Free Nova Scotia created this website by adapting, with permission, the smokefreehousingbc.ca website created by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon, with funding from the BC Healthy Living Alliance and supported by ActNow BC.
Smoke-Free Nova Scotia is a provincial coalition committed to the achievement of a tobacco-free Nova Scotia.
Our goal is the elimination of tobacco use in Nova Scotia.
Our objectives are:
- To support, encourage or undertake initiatives which discourage tobacco use in order to promote health.
- To advocate for and promote healthy public policy related to tobacco control.
- To increase public awareness of tobacco and health issues.
- To support a comprehensive and collaborative approach to tobacco control.
Many thanks to our Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Dwelling Workgroup members whose input was indispensable in creating this website for Nova Scotians:
Annapolis Valley Health
Canadian Cancer Society, Nova Scotia Division
Canadian Condominium Institute, Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Health Authority - Cape Breton, Public Health and Addiction Services
Nova Scotia Health Authority - Capital Health, Public Health Services
Nova Scotia Health Authority - Colchester and East Hants
Nova Scotia Health Authority - South Shore
Investment Property Owners Association of Nova Scotia
Program and Registry Management Program, Service Nova Scotia
Residential Tenancies Program, Service Nova Scotia
The Lung Association of Nova Scotia